Mike Bartley
Mike Bartley is in his eleventh year as Director of Bands/Fine Arts for Canton Independent School District. Previously, he served five years as Associate Band Director for Canton ISD. Mr. Bartley is a 1993 High Honors graduate of the University of Arkansas and is in his 30th year of teaching. He has held teaching positions in Owasso, Oklahoma, Alma, Arkansas, and Spearman, Texas. Immediately prior to coming to Canton, Mr. Bartley held a position as assistant band director in Wills Point where he served as percussion instructor, seventh grade band director, and director of the high school concert band. During the time that he assisted in Wills Point, the program grew and became competitive at UIL Region, Area, and State levels, attending the Texas AAA state marching competition three times and winning the silver medal in 2006. While Mr. Bartley assisted at Canton, the band attended the AAA state marching competition twice, finishing 5th place in 2010 and 4th place in 2012.
Under Mr. Bartley's direction, the Canton Band competed in the Texas AAAA state marching competition, finishing in 6th place in 2014, 12th place in 2016, 1st place in 2018, 5th place in 2020, 2nd place in 2021, 3rd place in 2022, and 14th place in 2023. The Canton Band also won the highly coveted Sudler Shield in 2021. Bands under Mr. Bartley's direction have consistently received sweepstakes awards throughout his career. Mr. Bartley's bands have also competed in the ATSSB Outstanding Performance Series, having recordings move to the Area level, as well as being a State Finalist.
In addition to his duties at Canton ISD, Mr. Bartley also serves as the ATSSB Region 3 Coordinator, ATSSB Area North Coordinator, and ATSSB Immediate Past-President, as well as having served as the ATSSB AAA State Representative from 2012-2014. He is an active adjudicator in Texas and Oklahoma.
Mr. Bartley is a member of the Texas Music Educators Association, Association of Texas Small School Bands, Texas Bandmasters Association, Texas Music Adjudicators Association, Phi Beta Mu, and Pi Kappa Lambda.
Mr. Bartley and his wife, Jenny, a retired music educator, have two sons. Daniel, age 22, is a senior at the University of Arkansas who plays euphonium, and Matthew, age 19, is a sophomore at TCU who plays percussion.